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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dancing Section

History of the School….

On keen interest of the chief monk REV. GhnaWimala of Koslanda & villagers the school was started on the 4th of September 1944. The classes were held in the sermon hall of Malwaththawala Temple. Later was registered in the name of the temple and it still remains. The first Principal was Mr. Jasingh Darmadasa There were 21 admissions on the first day and it increased up to 55 at the end of the year. 
In 1954 the school was moved to where it is now. A building of 60! x 20! and a teacher quarters  had been built.
With another step forward, the school becomes a Maha Vidyalaya in 1966 and Central Collage in 1979.
The School anthem was composed by newly appointed Sinhalese Literature, teacher and a present-day artist Rohana Beddege in 1973
Today there are nearly 3000 students, 106 teachers and 10 non-academic staff in the school. Sections of the school are as following.
  • Primary Section from Grade 1-5
  • Junior secondary Section from Grade 6-9
  • Junior Section Grade 10 & 11
  • Senior Section Grade 12 & 13

There are 5 parallel classes in each grade. Motto of the school is “Ayu  bhala praghna wadamu”
And our objective is to be the greatest everywhere; all the time in UVA
Mr.Somipala Rajapaksha is Principal of Mo/Malwaththawala Central College